某早搭LIFT, 前面男仔T恤的背後寫 ' I wanna to dance with my body ' (大意).
既然 wanna = want to, I wanna to 即係點? 雖然我從來都無幫襯過果個品牌, 不過減晒分! 雖然上季佢搵 aya 做 model 勁 cutie (我都儲左張雜誌廣告)
另, D 人真係搞笑:
mail 1. i want to ask you to send the videos of xxx
mail 2. i want to ask you to send the videos of xxx
mail 3. i want to ask you to send the videos of xxx
mail 4. i have sent you mail three times, why don't you reply me?
我一定唔會答架喎. 呢個世界有咁既道理既咩~ (仲要咁惡添)
既然 wanna = want to, I wanna to 即係點? 雖然我從來都無幫襯過果個品牌, 不過減晒分! 雖然上季佢搵 aya 做 model 勁 cutie (我都儲左張雜誌廣告)
另, D 人真係搞笑:
mail 1. i want to ask you to send the videos of xxx
mail 2. i want to ask you to send the videos of xxx
mail 3. i want to ask you to send the videos of xxx
mail 4. i have sent you mail three times, why don't you reply me?
我一定唔會答架喎. 呢個世界有咁既道理既咩~ (仲要咁惡添)
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